Aware of the environmental issues and the difficulty businesses in the cross-border area experience when seeking trained and competent energy performance professionals, the proposed partnership aims to provide a response to the cross-border employment market for energy renovation in buildings.
The project partners are major players in the development of the construction sector (operators in the field of training and education, professional federations in the construction sector, centres of expertise, CCCA-BTP (Committee for Consultation and Coordination of Learning in the building and civil engineering industry)).
This partnership makes it possible:
- To create bridges between training and the real needs of businesses more quickly, complying with the technical and regulatory requirements of each region;
- To inform and respond promptly to the demands of businesses in the sector.
The involvement of professional and sectoral branches (CCW, FFB Grand Est , CAP Construction, Constructiv, CCCA-BTP) will ensure the mobilisation of French and Walloon businesses in the project activities as well as the detection of new professional skills not covered by the range of alternance training courses available in the project area.
The expertise of CAP Construction and Envirobat-Arcad in terms of monitoring and identifying innovations will enable cross-border analysis by the partnership of the technical and regulatory developments in the field of energy renovation.
The mobilisation of alternance training operators (IFAPME, BTP-CFA Champagne-Ardenne, CCCA-BTP) will make it possible to structure a concerted range of training courses while promoting support for the target groups in the cross-border area.
Finally, the involvement of professional and joint organisations working for the development of training in the construction trades in the national territories (Constructiv, CCCA-BTP) will enable the dissemination of information.
The IFAPME, the Walloon institute of alternance training, self-employed workers and small and medium-sized enterprises, is a public interest body subsidised by Wallonia. Its main objective is to provide alternance training (courses in centres and practical training in companies) for trades in a wide range of professional sectors.
BTP CFA Grand Est
The BTP CFA Grand Est is a network of building and civil engineering industry training centres recognised by professional branches in the sector as the body for apprenticeship training and continuing training in the building and civil engineering industry in the Grand Est region. It comprises seven centres, two of which are in the project area: Poix-Terron and Reims.
CAP Construction
CAP Construction is a cluster of businesses in the construction sector approved by the Walloon Region whose objective is to ensure the development of sustainable construction and to achieve the Europe 2020 objectives. It comprises the three key players in the construction industry: contractors/constructors, architects/project authors and producers of materials and equipment.
FFB Grand-Est
The FFB Grand Est (French Building Federation) is a professional trade union at the service of businesses and craft workers in the construction sector. For almost ten years, it has been developing technical expertise in construction and sustainable renovation as well as building up project management experience.
ENVIROBAT-ARCAD LQE, a centre of resources, expertise and advice dedicated to environmental quality in the construction sector, works with many players and networks in the Grand Est region: project owners, public and private training bodies, professional organisations, State services, traders and industrialists in the field of construction products, etc.
Its mission is to contribute by all appropriate means to the adaptation of the construction sector to energy performance issues in new buildings and renovation.
The CCCA-BTP, the Committee for Consultation and Coordination of Learning in the construction and civil engineering sector, is a professional and joint body run by the federations of both employers and employees in the construction sector. The CCCA-BTP is a French national association charged with implementing and coordinating the policy on initial vocational training through learning in the construction and civil engineering trades.
Constructiv is the service provider for the construction sector, falling under the authority of the Joint Commission for Construction (CP 124). It offers advice and services for construction businesses and their workers. The organisation strives to strengthen the positive, innovative and fulfilling image of the construction sector.